Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Way Siu's research and opinion abt bad advertisement

figure 1

figure 2

figure 3
By: Michael Garmahis

Figure 1 shows an advertisement promoting cigarette. I think it is an example of bad advertisement because it has a message saying 'more doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette'. This message convinces more people to smoke because people might think it is safe to smoke this particular brand because the doctors are also smoking the same brand. This causes the number of smoker and the lung cancer patient increases because cigarette is one of the reason why lung cancer exist.

Figure 2 is an advertisement promoting its pen. It also contains a message saying: 'Helping student cheat since 1945'. Of course it has a bad influence on the student because it convinces the student to cheat on exam. On the right side of the advertisement, it has something that looks like a book but not an exam paper. The first impression they gave me was they are having class more like having an examination and yet it has a message saying 'Helping student cheat since 1945'. This is why i think this is also another example of bad advertisement.

Figure 3 is an example of bad placing of two advertisement. On the top, It shows an advertisement preventing child obesity. Meanwhile at the bottom is an advertisement promoting fast food. It has a clash on each other and it sure looks funny. When they place two different advertisement together, which one are we suppose to support or listen to? This is why I think a good and right location for advertisement is very important.

Posted by: Waysiu

At first I choose this ads is because I don't really get what it's means.
Confusing of the advertisement to give us the right concept.
I can't see which part of this both child try to convert the meaning of promoting the chocolate.
Until the end of the advertisement then only I know this is a chocolate Cadbury advertisement.
Sorry, I can't get what it talking about.
Why to put the two child eyebrow shaking?
Why they are at the photo shop but not anywhere else?
Why the little boy shake his eyebrow after click his watch?

The advert features two children, a boy and a girl, sitting in front of a grey backdrop at a photographer's studio. When the photographer leaves the shot to answer the telephone, the boy presses a button on his watch, at which point "Don't Stop The Rock" by Freestyle Express begins to play. The children begin to move their eyebrows up and down to the beat of the song. Throughout the song, the children move their heads from to left to right, up and down staring into a number of cameras, as they continue to move their eyebrows. Towards the end of the advert, the girl begins to release air from a pink balloon in time with the music, producing effects similar to scratching a vinyl.

After that I choose this advertisement. This is a Turkish Airlines advertisement.
First eye sight that I see this picture, this concept was totally wrong.
They should not put the picture of the airplane descending "dropping".
It give people feel like : Sit Turkish Airlines will air crash.
Because it seems like airplane is not safety and stable.
Let us as a stranger who see this advertisement feel that this is a not safety airline if I choose.
Totally wrong concept to let people know this information.

A number of people obviously overlooked this error. It’s essentially a demonstration of ‘Reasons Model’ (Swiss-cheese model) in the advertising arena leading to an incident that could have been easily avoided if anybody stopped to question the stupidity of what they were doing.

From Wen Yan.

Bad Advertisement Quit Smoking

Quit Smoking!

                  One of the most popular Advertisement around the globe is the smoking advertisement . For decades people have been smoking away and there has been many deaths . Smoking not only pollutes our air but also destroys our lungs , give us skin cancer , make our breath bad and many more . So i decided to do a little research one day about smoking when i came across this very interesting picture that promotes anti smoking . The only reason this photo would fail as a campaign is not because quitting smoking is bad is because QUITTING SCHOOL is bad! . So without further hesitation I decided to do a little research on the reason for this campaign and it appears that this was a simple joke . 

                  The campaign is true and real but the whole thing was simply there for the fun of it . After a while the creators decided to put a poll on their FaceBook page calling this picture "EPIC BLOOPER" on a scale of 1 to 10 how epic is this blooper while 1 being bad and 10 being totally epic p.s stay in school . And their ratings were mostly 10 being totally epic . Even though the message was confusing they decided to keep it just for the laughs of it .


Epicness redefined!
Ze Yan

Finally we all choose this advertisement.
People who first watch this video will give a wrong answer to the advertisement of this video.
Even I also guess it wrong when ask me to guess the title of this video.
This video is an advertisement of "Libresse" brands pad.
Name is:  Libresse The Battle Between Green Tea and Odor.
I thought is a green tea advertisement or what but didn't know it is a pad advertisement.
Seriously I feel this advertisement giving people wrong concept.
Using green tea to describe the smell of the pad?
Can I say it is so disgusting if a people are drinking green tea?

This is according to a post of Society for Menstrual Cycle Research that written:
Shaming Women with their Menstrual Odor
Libresse has a new ad for green-tea scented panty liners in Malaysia
Smell the confidence, ladies! It smells like green tea. That strange creature at the very end who gets smashed by packages of Libresse is meant to represent a durian, according to Copyranter — a local fruit that smells like “pig-shit, turpentine and onions, garnished with a gym sock.”

To use durian and green tea as an example to convince audience to buy, is really shaming especially women.
Durian as a odor; Green tea as a smell of the pad.
This is so wrong way to using food and drinks to describe the sanitary pad.
And why say that durian is smelly? That is a king of the Malaysia fruit.
Using the symbol of the fruit to represent Malaysia, and say that is smelly. Is it a joking?
Well, if there is not this meaning, so what's the benefit to using durian represent odor?

Explain the advertisement:The advertisement meant to promote Malaysian sanitary pad brand Libresse depicts vaginal odors as disgusting catfish-like creatures that need to be fought off with a fierceness. As for the leaf-like creature, it's part of a new green tea pack that keeps you smelling fresh down there. We're not sure whether to feel insulted or just to laugh it off, but here's hoping that someone comes up with a counter ad that tackles the very serious problem of "funky smelling gonads".

Wen Yan wrote.

From Kayla.

I choose this as a bad advertisement, because I think the person who create this advertisement should not use a fight scene to transfer the message to the audience.
Because Librease Pads is to protect women when periods come, is not about fighting.

The group of 4 !

(From Left to Right Ze Yan , Waysiu , Kayla , Wen Yan)


Hi everyone! We are from Taylor's University. 
This blog is for our group which will be posting about our assignment 2 for our
Culture & Consumerism class.

The Purpose

The Purpose of this blog is to Record our findings and research about our chosen advertisement . 4 of us had to choose a few advertisement and then each of us has to decide on which advertisement we will further research about and choose the best bad advertisement among all of them. We will also present it to our lecturer.

About Us

The one wearing a green t-shirt is Way Siu . He turned 19 this year on the 12th of March. 

His interest is Reading, Traveling, Cycling  Reading, watch movie, listen to his favorite 

song, learn new languages and make jokes. 

The one with a  black jacket is Wen Yan . She is 19 years old. Her interest is dancing, 

Listen to classical music and drawing. She is a pet lover and she has 4 dogs in her house. 

Ze Yan is the one in a blue jacket. He is 19 years old. He is not a Japanese or a Korean. 

He is officially from Malaysia. He has a passion towards gaming.

Lastly the one with a T-shirt is Kayla. She is also 19 years old. Her interest is dancing , 

listen to classical piano, and drawing. She loves to run and swim. She has a passion towards
