Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Bad Advertisement Quit Smoking

Quit Smoking!

                  One of the most popular Advertisement around the globe is the smoking advertisement . For decades people have been smoking away and there has been many deaths . Smoking not only pollutes our air but also destroys our lungs , give us skin cancer , make our breath bad and many more . So i decided to do a little research one day about smoking when i came across this very interesting picture that promotes anti smoking . The only reason this photo would fail as a campaign is not because quitting smoking is bad is because QUITTING SCHOOL is bad! . So without further hesitation I decided to do a little research on the reason for this campaign and it appears that this was a simple joke . 

                  The campaign is true and real but the whole thing was simply there for the fun of it . After a while the creators decided to put a poll on their FaceBook page calling this picture "EPIC BLOOPER" on a scale of 1 to 10 how epic is this blooper while 1 being bad and 10 being totally epic p.s stay in school . And their ratings were mostly 10 being totally epic . Even though the message was confusing they decided to keep it just for the laughs of it .


Epicness redefined!
Ze Yan

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