Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Way Siu's research and opinion abt bad advertisement

figure 1

figure 2

figure 3
By: Michael Garmahis

Figure 1 shows an advertisement promoting cigarette. I think it is an example of bad advertisement because it has a message saying 'more doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette'. This message convinces more people to smoke because people might think it is safe to smoke this particular brand because the doctors are also smoking the same brand. This causes the number of smoker and the lung cancer patient increases because cigarette is one of the reason why lung cancer exist.

Figure 2 is an advertisement promoting its pen. It also contains a message saying: 'Helping student cheat since 1945'. Of course it has a bad influence on the student because it convinces the student to cheat on exam. On the right side of the advertisement, it has something that looks like a book but not an exam paper. The first impression they gave me was they are having class more like having an examination and yet it has a message saying 'Helping student cheat since 1945'. This is why i think this is also another example of bad advertisement.

Figure 3 is an example of bad placing of two advertisement. On the top, It shows an advertisement preventing child obesity. Meanwhile at the bottom is an advertisement promoting fast food. It has a clash on each other and it sure looks funny. When they place two different advertisement together, which one are we suppose to support or listen to? This is why I think a good and right location for advertisement is very important.

Posted by: Waysiu

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