Wednesday, October 31, 2012

At first I choose this ads is because I don't really get what it's means.
Confusing of the advertisement to give us the right concept.
I can't see which part of this both child try to convert the meaning of promoting the chocolate.
Until the end of the advertisement then only I know this is a chocolate Cadbury advertisement.
Sorry, I can't get what it talking about.
Why to put the two child eyebrow shaking?
Why they are at the photo shop but not anywhere else?
Why the little boy shake his eyebrow after click his watch?

The advert features two children, a boy and a girl, sitting in front of a grey backdrop at a photographer's studio. When the photographer leaves the shot to answer the telephone, the boy presses a button on his watch, at which point "Don't Stop The Rock" by Freestyle Express begins to play. The children begin to move their eyebrows up and down to the beat of the song. Throughout the song, the children move their heads from to left to right, up and down staring into a number of cameras, as they continue to move their eyebrows. Towards the end of the advert, the girl begins to release air from a pink balloon in time with the music, producing effects similar to scratching a vinyl.

After that I choose this advertisement. This is a Turkish Airlines advertisement.
First eye sight that I see this picture, this concept was totally wrong.
They should not put the picture of the airplane descending "dropping".
It give people feel like : Sit Turkish Airlines will air crash.
Because it seems like airplane is not safety and stable.
Let us as a stranger who see this advertisement feel that this is a not safety airline if I choose.
Totally wrong concept to let people know this information.

A number of people obviously overlooked this error. It’s essentially a demonstration of ‘Reasons Model’ (Swiss-cheese model) in the advertising arena leading to an incident that could have been easily avoided if anybody stopped to question the stupidity of what they were doing.

From Wen Yan.

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