Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Finally we all choose this advertisement.
People who first watch this video will give a wrong answer to the advertisement of this video.
Even I also guess it wrong when ask me to guess the title of this video.
This video is an advertisement of "Libresse" brands pad.
Name is:  Libresse The Battle Between Green Tea and Odor.
I thought is a green tea advertisement or what but didn't know it is a pad advertisement.
Seriously I feel this advertisement giving people wrong concept.
Using green tea to describe the smell of the pad?
Can I say it is so disgusting if a people are drinking green tea?

This is according to a post of Society for Menstrual Cycle Research that written:
Shaming Women with their Menstrual Odor
Libresse has a new ad for green-tea scented panty liners in Malaysia
Smell the confidence, ladies! It smells like green tea. That strange creature at the very end who gets smashed by packages of Libresse is meant to represent a durian, according to Copyranter — a local fruit that smells like “pig-shit, turpentine and onions, garnished with a gym sock.”

To use durian and green tea as an example to convince audience to buy, is really shaming especially women.
Durian as a odor; Green tea as a smell of the pad.
This is so wrong way to using food and drinks to describe the sanitary pad.
And why say that durian is smelly? That is a king of the Malaysia fruit.
Using the symbol of the fruit to represent Malaysia, and say that is smelly. Is it a joking?
Well, if there is not this meaning, so what's the benefit to using durian represent odor?

Explain the advertisement:The advertisement meant to promote Malaysian sanitary pad brand Libresse depicts vaginal odors as disgusting catfish-like creatures that need to be fought off with a fierceness. As for the leaf-like creature, it's part of a new green tea pack that keeps you smelling fresh down there. We're not sure whether to feel insulted or just to laugh it off, but here's hoping that someone comes up with a counter ad that tackles the very serious problem of "funky smelling gonads".

Wen Yan wrote.

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