Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Libresse Odor Control

There are many advertisements that has been produce . This method has been used since early times where people use advertistments to advertise their products . We the students of BIMD (Bachelor In Multimedia Design) were asked to form a group and choose a bad advertisement and make a good one out of it . So we (Waysiu , Ze Yan , Kayla and Wen Yan) have decided too form a group and work on the advertisement that we have chosen . The advertisement we have chosen is Libresse Orderless Control by Libresse . Libress is a company that produces sanitary pads for woman (http://www.libresse.com/). The bad advertisement that was produced by Libresse is called Libresse The Battle Between Green Tea And Odor . The Advertisement is about absorbing stinky odor being absorbed and released as green tea smell . The video shows a fish fighting with the green tea pad.

The video advertisement was a purpose to show to Malaysia audience. In the video the relation that relate in Malaysia culture was the using of durian. Durian is the Malaysia King of the fruit. Why do we see the need for change? It is because the video advertisement shows a fight scene between a stinky fish and a green tea to transfer the message of libresse odor control. In our opinion, that the advertisement shouldn’t used a fight scene the transfer the message to the audience. Sanitary pads are used to protect women from display embarrassed (red).

Our ideas is to show the audience in the right by using it, and to transfer the message of absorbed menstrual odor and producing refreshing green tea smell and to let the audience remember the Libresse Odor Control. Our group had an idea by created a brand new advertisement and used the same message to transfer the audience by using the different concept. Our video will be effective by letting the audience know clear about the message that had been provided and the humor that will let the audience remember the product brands Libresse Odor Control.

Friday, December 7, 2012

the script

venue: office
1 - girl 1 n 2 gossiping at the working place. (medium wide shot)
2 - suddenly the main character walks in. (medium wide shot)
3 - girl 1 n 2 wonder y so smelly. (medium shot) 
4 - when the main character pass by them, the girls are fed up with his stinky body smell. (wide shot)
5 - the main character approaches the discussion room (over the shoulder)
6 - few man n women having meeting in the discussion room (wide shot)
7 - knock knock the main character appears at the door. (medium wide shot)
8 - boss - walao A what smell is that ar? (medium shot)
9 - the surrounding started to wonder where's the smell from. 
10 - the main character walks to the boss. 
11 - main character: boss your file! (front view)
12 - boss smells the main character, aaiya! (falls of the chair)
13 - front view climbs back to the chair (front view) ok, u can go back to work now.
14 - boss : aaiiya y he so smelly ar. no take bath ar.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Our ideas

Waysiu's idea

- My idea is how a guy got a new life by using Libresse. Libresse is a popular sanitary pad branding. It absorbs the uterine flow and bad odor. The boss got a bad impression about this man when he delivers the document to him because this man has bad body odor. When he pass by the sanitary pad section of the shopping mall, he found Libresse. He bought one pack of Libresse and he doesn't have bad body odor anymore.

- One man is looking for clean underwear because he did not wash his underwear for quite a while. He found his wife's sanitary pad n wore it. He found Libresse is pretty good to use.

Kayla's Idea

- My idea is a girl wear normal pads. During in the lift, the girl surrounding smell the a smelly odor, then the people started to questioning about the odor. Then the girl beginning to be shy.

-Then her best friend ask her "what happen", then the girl explain what happen. Then the girl introduced  Libresse Odor Control to her. Then , the other scene is about a woman wearing in formal, like acting of the libresse ambassorter and explain the advantage of Libresse Odor Control.

-Then in the end , the girl was happy.

Wen Yan's Idea

-My idea is a girl wear the product X (sanitary pad) pass by her friends, and her friends say that :" hey, what's that smell? Odor smell.." 

-And then the girl feel so embarrassing because the odor smell is come out from her. Then the next day one of her friend knew that the smell is came from her so her friend give her "Libresse odor control pad" 

-No Matter how many product X that she use, 1 Libresse odor control is better than product X.

The Concept

The concept of the video is to spread out the message to let people know more about the Libresse Odor control pad. Control the odorless  by using the green tea smell. Smell the confidence, ladies!  To let the audience know the message of the Libresse odor control.  Libresse odor control pad refreshing  green tea smell. The green tea smell can overlap the odor smell. Protect girl and let them more confidence to go out. 

wrote by wen yan.

What is a sanitary pad?

What is a sanitary pad?

a pad of absorbent material, as cotton, worn by women during menstruation to absorb the uterine flow.

link: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/sanitary-napkin

sanitary napkinsanitary towelsanitary padmenstrual padmaxi pad, or pad is an absorbent item worn by a woman while she ismenstruating, recovering from vaginal surgery, for lochia (post birth bleeding), abortion, or any other situation where it is necessary to absorb a flow of blood from a woman's vagina.
These pads are not to be confused with generally higher absorbency incontinence pads, which are worn by men or women who haveurinary incontinence problems or experience stress incontinence. Menstrual pads may be used by some people for this purpose.

link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanitary_napkin

By: Waysiu

WikiLeaks & Butterfly

Good Advertisement

        The all time famous WikiLeakes (*http://wikileaks.org/*) . WikiLeakes has been famous for leaking private / confidential / secret information to the public . WikiLeakes has been receiving good and bad review from both the people and the government . Their moto is to release the hidden truth and secrets that are hidden from public to the public . But all this changed when WikiLeaks was for the first time introduced in a billboard advertisement with Butterfly .

         On December 16 2010 Saba Imtiaz An Author who wrote for "The Express TRIBUNE" made a headline that explained why and how this poster was made . "The whistleblower website WikiLeaks’ release of thousands of confidential US embassy documents have made it a household name worldwide but this may be the first time it has been ‘literally’ referenced in an advertisement.
The agency behind the campaign, RG Blue Communications, says that it has “received a very good response” to the billboards. Amjad Hussain, the head of business development, laughingly told The Express Tribune, “Nobody has said it’s in bad taste yet!”
According to Hussain, Butterfly was a new client that had recently come on board. They loved the idea when it was pitched to them and so the campaign rolled out very quickly.
Munir Bhatti, the agency’s art director, says he has been inundated with phone calls about the ad. “I could have also shown a girl like other ads have. But the idea was to make it very different and to use the word WikiLeaks — and that’s what this is.”(http://tribune.com.pk/story/90429/art-imitating-life-funky-new-ad-puts-a-spin-on-personal-hygiene-and-politics/).

The truth hidden from the public is always awkward....
Ze Yan


Bad Ads...


          Everyones favorite shoe brand nikie . Nikie has been producing shoes for a very long time and is famous world wide . Nikie has been using their logo Just Do It as their main theme in every advertisement and they had been quite good . But one day i saw this picture on the internet and tough it was a joke made by someone who hates nikie . But it turns out that this is part of a collection of photos by a photographer name Sharad Haksar . The picture and the name says it all "JUST DO IT" . It is obvious that this is a bad advertisement as it shows the public that we can pee anywhere and anytime as long as we "JUST DO IT" .

         The origin of this picture is part of Brand Irony by Sharad Haksar (*http://www.damnfreshpics.com/2008/09/brand-irony-by-sharad-haksar.html*) who takes pictures of people in close proximity of any brand . His motto is to take the unexpected and put it in a photo . The reason Haksar uploaded this kind of photos were to show people the reality of life , that anything and everything is possible . The photo shows 2 sides of reason which is the good , and the bad .

         "The image of the boy urinating on the wall as a dog looks on is humorous, especially in contrast with the bold Nike logo and slogan, creating a surprising twist on the phrase “Just Do It.” the photo asks the viewer to reconsider the heavy commercialism of corporations such as Nike and how they affect the communities in which they conduct business.  In another sense, Haksar’s photo also brings attention to the poverty of children in India and around the world, children who are unable to afford the types of products that Nike offers and yet are exposed to its tantalizing allure on the street." (*http://eyoonpathos.blogspot.com/2011/02/visual-analysis-brand-irony-1-just-do.html*) by Eyoonpathos . 


Somethings are not meant to be..
Ze Yan

First man to wear a sanitary pad

Arunachalam Muruganantham is a man on a very unusual mission.
He wants to change the way that poor women in developing countries cope with their monthly periods.
And in the heat of this obsessive quest, the 49-year-old Indian entrepreneur did something extraordinary to test the sanitary towels he invented.
"Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon," he tells me, his words tripping together with enthusiasm.
"Hillary and Tenzing were the first to conquer Everest and I, Murugan, became the first man in the world to wear a sanitary pad."
He tells me he took this step because no female would do the test; in the conservative circles of Indian society, women won't even discuss menstruation let alone get involved in trying out new sanitary pads.
"Even wives are not ready to talk to a husband about menstruation," he says regretfully.
Birth of an idea
Twelve years ago, soon after his wedding in rural southern India, he spotted his wife hiding some 'ugly unhygienic rags' in the house and was shocked to realise she was using them for her period.
When pressed, she explained that if she bought a pack of sanitary towels, she couldn't afford to buy milk for the family.
Mr Muruganantham decided to invent an affordable solution for his wife and women like her.
After four years of initial research he made a small machine, designed to be used locally by several women to produce batches of simple pads cheaply.
And that is when he carried out his own research, staging his own 'period'.
"I made an artificial uterus," he says proudly.
He took the rubber lining from inside a football and filled it with animal blood. He made a small cut in it, with "a tube connection to my panties containing the sanitary pad".
And then, while wearing this contraption, he took exercise, walking and cycling, to test the product in various conditions.
This kind of thing did nothing to endear him to neighbours in his village.
Long-term vision
But his persistence has paid off.
He tells me he has sold the hand-operated machines which make the sanitary pads across 23 of India's states, and in Nepal, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, South Africa and Zimbabwe.
Each machine can be worked by four to six women and costs $1,000. The pads are made and sold locally, and the final price-tag is a quarter of the cost of a factory-made and packaged product.
Mr Muruganantham's ambition is gargantuan.
Right now, he tells me, only 2% of women in India's countryside use sanitary towels; the vast majority use unhygienic rags to deal with their periods.
The Indian health authorities believe that increases the risk of reproductive tract infections which put women's health in danger.
"I am going to make India, my country, a place where 100% of women use sanitary napkins."
He suggests that might create no fewer than a million new jobs. The vision is not just about hygiene - it is about fostering employment.
I ask him if he is trying to make profits out of his invention. "I am making something," he admits coyly.
But he denies operating like a large corporate venture and indicates he is making enough "just to sustain" the business.
And now it turns out he is harbouring plans for new products, including nappies (diapers) for babies and incontinence pads for elderly people.
His low-tech, local approach is undoubtedly a million miles away from the operations of the large consumer goods companies that mass-produce sanitary pads and tampons.
"We compete very comfortably with the big giants," he says, and laughs: "That's why they call me a corporate bomber."
This sort of innovation done by rural women came as a shock to the large companies. "The model of mass production is outdated," he says gleefully. "Now it's about production by the mass of people."

By: Way Siu
Link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-19095641

Sanitary pad ad

This is a sanitary pad advertisement that i found on youtube and this is also how i got my idea for this particular project. I find it pretty interesting to use a man to promote a woman's product. A man could purchase this particular product for his wife, girlfriend or even mom when they get to understand more about this product. In modern days, people are much open-minded compared to the past. By doing so, the market size is also much wider because you don't only target the women.

By: Way Siu

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Libresse had create a event to let the people know about the product "ODOR CONTROL"

13 th March 2012,

BlackBox@MAP at Publika.

The event have games~

Game 1: Crossword

Game 2: Charade

Game 3: Smell the Unknown

 Ean from Hitz.fm, The Host

Source :

Libresse Ambassador

 Chong Sisters - Pamela and Vanessa Chong of Amazing Race Asia fame. (Libresse Ambassador)

Acclaimed entertainer Adibah Noor  (Libresse Ambassador)

Talented young sing-songwriter Yunalis Zarai (Yuna)

Faye Wong, Marketing Manager of SCA Hygiene Malaysia Sdn Bhd said that this campaign is to reach out to young women and music could be the best way to speak to the younger generation. 
(Senior Marketing Manager 
of SCA Hygiene Marketing Malaysia)

Wrote By Kayla


Libresse’s new creation is equipped with features such as OdorSeal which helps capture unwanted odor whilst the green tea essence releases a naturally refreshing scent so that you will never have to feel paranoid again. The range is designed with Aloe Vera extract to help relieve irritation and promote healthy skin. The range also come sin beautiful floral prints denoting a young and fun appeal.

All Libresse pads are designed anatomically to fit the body with its patented technology and trademarked design – Secure Fit™ and Deep Flow Channels (DFC)™. Both features work hand-in-hand to achieve Libresse’s concept of ‘Absorption Is Nothing Without Fit’.

A registered trademark of SCA Hygiene, Secure Fit™ features a wider front to keep pads securely in place, a narrow neck and a split design at the rear to fit the delicate contours of a woman’s body.

Deep Flow Channels (DFC)™ incorporates patented grooves that direct fluid quickly into the pad and actas as fold lines, which allow folding at strategic points thus preventing leakage, making you feel comfortable and secure when you need it most. Libresse pads are easy to wash before disposal.