Thursday, December 6, 2012

WikiLeaks & Butterfly

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        The all time famous WikiLeakes (**) . WikiLeakes has been famous for leaking private / confidential / secret information to the public . WikiLeakes has been receiving good and bad review from both the people and the government . Their moto is to release the hidden truth and secrets that are hidden from public to the public . But all this changed when WikiLeaks was for the first time introduced in a billboard advertisement with Butterfly .

         On December 16 2010 Saba Imtiaz An Author who wrote for "The Express TRIBUNE" made a headline that explained why and how this poster was made . "The whistleblower website WikiLeaks’ release of thousands of confidential US embassy documents have made it a household name worldwide but this may be the first time it has been ‘literally’ referenced in an advertisement.
The agency behind the campaign, RG Blue Communications, says that it has “received a very good response” to the billboards. Amjad Hussain, the head of business development, laughingly told The Express Tribune, “Nobody has said it’s in bad taste yet!”
According to Hussain, Butterfly was a new client that had recently come on board. They loved the idea when it was pitched to them and so the campaign rolled out very quickly.
Munir Bhatti, the agency’s art director, says he has been inundated with phone calls about the ad. “I could have also shown a girl like other ads have. But the idea was to make it very different and to use the word WikiLeaks — and that’s what this is.”(

The truth hidden from the public is always awkward....
Ze Yan

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