Thursday, December 6, 2012

Our ideas

Waysiu's idea

- My idea is how a guy got a new life by using Libresse. Libresse is a popular sanitary pad branding. It absorbs the uterine flow and bad odor. The boss got a bad impression about this man when he delivers the document to him because this man has bad body odor. When he pass by the sanitary pad section of the shopping mall, he found Libresse. He bought one pack of Libresse and he doesn't have bad body odor anymore.

- One man is looking for clean underwear because he did not wash his underwear for quite a while. He found his wife's sanitary pad n wore it. He found Libresse is pretty good to use.

Kayla's Idea

- My idea is a girl wear normal pads. During in the lift, the girl surrounding smell the a smelly odor, then the people started to questioning about the odor. Then the girl beginning to be shy.

-Then her best friend ask her "what happen", then the girl explain what happen. Then the girl introduced  Libresse Odor Control to her. Then , the other scene is about a woman wearing in formal, like acting of the libresse ambassorter and explain the advantage of Libresse Odor Control.

-Then in the end , the girl was happy.

Wen Yan's Idea

-My idea is a girl wear the product X (sanitary pad) pass by her friends, and her friends say that :" hey, what's that smell? Odor smell.." 

-And then the girl feel so embarrassing because the odor smell is come out from her. Then the next day one of her friend knew that the smell is came from her so her friend give her "Libresse odor control pad" 

-No Matter how many product X that she use, 1 Libresse odor control is better than product X.

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